Cauliflower Chutney


Medium size cauliflower        1
Lemon                                     1
Red chilli powder                    3tsp
Mustard powder                      2tsp  
Methi powder                           2tsp
Salt                                            2tsp
Garlic flakes                             4
Curry leaves
Mustard  seeds                       1/2 tsp
Chana dal                                 1/2 tsp
Oil                                            5tsp
 Red chillies                               2

1.Cut florets and soak in hot water for 30 minutes and dry them.\
2.  Take the florets in a bowl and add all the powders and salt.
3.Heat oil in a pan,add mustard seeds,chana dal and red chillies .When they are roasted add garlic flakes crushed, and curry leaves.
4. Remove from fire and add cauliflower florets.
5 Cool it and add lemon juice.
6.Serve with rice after a couple of days.


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